a tick is sitting on a green plant stem .

Tick Control


Tick Control

Since 2004, the rise of diseases caused by ticks has more than tripled in the United States. The Cape Coral-Fort Myers Metropolitan area is a prime habitat for all tick species that call Florida home. Lee County is home to the Brown Dog, American Dog, Lone Star, Gulf Coast, and Black-Legged (Deer) Tick. These blood suckers are dangerous both as adults and as soon as they can move around (the larval and nymph stages). Our warm and humid climate allows most life cycles to continue. 

They feed on mammal blood and find their victims by sensing carbon dioxide and other scents exhaled and various body odors. They also adapt to mammal behaviors and can identify walking paths and other areas used by animals and humans. These pests cannot jump, so they position themselves on grasses and leaves while waiting for a victim to come along that they can drop onto or climb on. 

Ticks usually crawl around the victim, looking for thin skin to bite through, as you can see from the number of bites that dogs get along their ears. This crawling behavior makes it very important for people to inspect themselves and their children immediately after spending time in outdoor areas with healthy vegetation. 

Ticks Cause Many Diseases

When ticks bite humans and pets, they inject the pathogens they carry into our bloodstreams. They transmit Lyme Disease, which is a bacterial infection. Lyme Disease causes fever, rash, and weakness; the disease is especially risky for the young, the elderly, and those with a weakened immune system. Antibacterial treatments can take several months before the disease is controlled and the condition is terminated. For years after infection, people living with Lyme Disease can experience muscle weakness and joint pain.

Other well-known diseases they transmit are Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, Heartland virus, STARI (Southern tick-associated rash illness), and Tularemia. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever causes nausea, rashes, allergic reactions, and severe fever. Tickborne diseases are generally caused by highly adaptable and resistant bacteria and viruses.

Professional Tick Prevention and Control

Professional yard treatments for your property safely control the habitat for tick growth in an environmentally friendly way. Walter Salazar Pest Control will inspect your property with you and advise you regarding the proper treatment plan to kill and control them.


They grow and breed virtually all year in Lee County. We will develop a maintenance and inspection schedule for extermination and future pest control for your property. Our professional treatment plans kill adults and create residual barriers to future infestations and breeding.

We are a family-owned and operated pest control company, and we serve the community we live in. Contact us today for an evaluation and quote for pest control for your home and outdoor property.

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